Hey, readers . First of all I m sorry for so delay post .. I know after  23 days I m posting back .
So without taking much time lets talk on the topic.
Look in this topic of communication I am going to disscuss the following .
1. difference between still and motion images.
2. Rules of PHOTOGRAPHY.
3. composition .
But before going in soo deep first of all lets us understand what is the role of lines and symboles in communication . Yes very true a single line also communicate.
Lets start with a straight strong stroke line which means strong musculine and in the opposite curve or smooth circle symbolizes femininity.
 Look at the image at Rightside .The pillers are in parallel form and they are showing the strenght of the building. And its also depend on the camera how you are taking the image which I will going to discuss in my next blog i.e composition facts.

Note : Never use a line in middle of the frame either its made by a tree, piller or any thing.

Many  vertical sraight line showns non motion but when those line are just angular they show motion .
  Check out the three images at your right.
you can find the some differnce The first straight line all together are showing the strainght but its not in motion but they built power, on the other hand in second image you can find motion by the lines and they can show much more motion when they are angular to horizion  such as when it form by the two parallel line like railway track . 
we generally found when , we need to show motion or just take a word RUN or FAST , the artist used those word in providing some angle to it as I done i  the third image .
even you can check the image of any brand which depend of speed they never use straight line , lines are in angles or in a wave form.
See the image of see waves they are diagonal and curve the curve shows the motion and the diagonal line frame shows the distance . thats why this pic appears in motion for us.

Curves  and circles are generally used to show the beauty , softness and feminity. Genrally you can find the toys of children are round in shape it is only due to fact that curve lines are friendly with eyes and sharp line pinch a lot. The font also used for baby product or females they follow curve or round lines. check the font of  Johnson baby . you can find its curve ..
The beauty of feamle can be seen more when its curve ... the more curve the more beautiful .

 In this image you can see the curves of the word its soft. The curve and round lines shows motion with beauty , which attracts us. you can check the  curviness of the image from neck to shulder which gives a beauty motion

 On the other hand check this image where words are straight and sharp , shows the strongness of the word. Even you check the face hardness less curve and more sharp . 
The curly hair looks pretty only becaouse of this fact which shown motion and beauty. 
When ever lines falls on the surface it changes  its meaning ,
Lets take an example of vertical line when its fall diagonal on the surface its shown that its going away from the viewers..When ever you see the horizon pic its seems to merge due the nature of lines and its meaning.

 Look the image on right side the railway tracks are apperaring to merge at point.
And the horizontal lines between those parallel giving it a irregularity which makes it more interesting. So note a point that Irregular lines are much more intersting than a regular line or image.
Thats why when we paint any scenary we and trees and other stuffs to disrtoy its regularity or a smooth view.
In this second image also you can see the lines are merging at a opening . If that merging will more small then it will make the image more effective . So size matters a lot to provide depth Thats why a good photographer, artist uses perspective.

Where curve lines are smooth and form beauty on the other hand trinagualr shape with sharpe edge pich our eyes .
And in compositon it provide depth to the viwers.
Now see this image ...... Here you can find three person and the composition is triangular in nature our eyes get much more attracted towords the man at center and the second the man was standing and two person are sitting down which makes that person heavy and doninating and due to composition its take to depth. Look at the piller which provide the frame to the picture which is marked by the broken red lines And the straight strong lines of piller provides straight to the piller , regularity of piller is broken by degines on it.

I hope you get some thing new today stay tuned .. for photography rules ... Golden rules of compositions....
