Starvation is much more dangerous than a lion 

Part 2. of this movie starts with the struggling phase of life i.e bread and butter.Raju was searching a job , but not getting it. At last he enters in a circus where he was misidentified as a Russian artist, as his face looks like a Russian . He also had taken the advantage of that, because he needs money any how for her mother's medicines. He was so needy , that he enters in the cage of lion taking his life at risk , because everyone there thought that he was a Russian ringmaster, but actually he was a lovely clown .
You can see , how wonderfully a common man was portrait here by the character Raju . We also try everything to get a job . and after that the struggle begins to maintain the job.We even don't think also that job is for us or not or for what be are made for. The basic line of our life is like. study... job.... marriage... kids.. die. But in this timeline where we are.Think on this.
After when his truth come in front of everyone then the circus en charge (Dharmendar ) asked him why he had told a lie. The reply of Raju was very wonderful. " That who don't tell a lie everyone tells, Politicians tells a lie for his/her politics. Women use make to hide there age.and many more . And he is a very small player of this field he told the tie only to get a job so that he can earn bread and butter for his family" 
If you will check this then you can find this is very practice truth. We do practice in our day to day life.
After listing to him (Raju) , the member decided to give him the job of a clown in circus.
In this part he falls in love with the Russian co artist .Cross border love. Then even both don't there language , but the language of love was common between then. Raju decided to marry her. So he decided to tell her mother about her love . And he called her to met her mother. 
Look the purity of love . But again he had to lost her because of different culture , country and language . Generally when we fall in love we don't care about these thing but these things comes when we had to give a name to our relationship and it always happens. Love never been so easy and its not made for everyone. 
 Now the most heart touching part . How wonderfully a clown justified the sentence
"The show mast go on". 
After listing to her mother death and seeing his mother's body . Then also he had to go for the performance
During his performance he  says Ma, Ma, loudly with a laughing face ,and take a out a bird from his pocket and the bird flies away in the sky and Raju sought loudly Maa...
Here the bird symbolizes her mother.
The dialogue : " Life is a circus , and the circle of the show of 3 hour. First hour childhood
Second hour Adulthood and the third hour Old stage . and after that.. No father, No mother, No son No daughter, nothing remains , only the empty stage where you had performed your act remains. The house where you lived , The house without you. this earth nor yours nor my . We all have to go from where we had come . 
"Its very hard to decide the pain of a laughing person ".
And the second part also ends with pain , when he had to say a final goodbye. to his love.The shot was ; of airport , where Raju was waving to Marina (Russian Co-actress)
and she was moving on ladders  of airplane. And the background music with the dialogue.
The song was from Movie Awara : Title song (zakmoo se bhara sina h mera hasti h yeh madmast nazar)  . Really this goodbye shot was heart touching. 

Now I , taking your leave . I hope you all like my blog.
Next Blog with part 3. Mera Naam Joker.
