Communication what is it?? || LIFE

 Communication what is it?? Is it only to say your words , in form of feelings. Think again , If you express your feeling but it will not go to other hand. Then do you think its really get communicated . No its really not.
A successful or a good communication is that where you get your feed back the more important it should be in your side then you can say its a successful communication.
Communication can be between two or more than two person , or with a mass(group) thats right.
But the question is do we really need a person to communicate. No, some time a person communicate with him self only and that communication is known as Intrapersonal communication . Its another thing we call those person mad.  Look sometime its really important to talk with your self to come out from the conflict going inside you. In this type of communication we get the response your our mind .
Inter personal communication is that kind where we interact with the person . 
The word interaction or communication should be healthy, we do talk with the people so that we can get a result on it. Generally we get the success and many time we get fails out.
Why its fails out ?? Its generally fails out because we can't able to reach to the mind of that person and its generally happens in conflicts. Then how to solve it. Look a good communicator knows : how to read the mind of the second person what in his\ her mind going on so its very important to talk about his\her side first so that you can gain the  Attention,  is very important if the second person is not being listing to you then that person will not give any response and the conflict will increase out. So the best way talk in favor and slowly puts your own view . It will take time but it will give the result and the communication will not fails out try it out.
And when you need to talk with the mass then its really important to play with the mind of your audience . Take with a very few simple examples 
When you see any advertisement of sale ;Like 40% off, In this kind of ads the company plays with your mind , your eyes will firstly get attract towords 40%
We generally comes with these kind of ads.
Job of the company to  attract you , is over after looking to these ads we walk in store.
The 60% and a word sale attracts you . but what about it. The small word upto.
  This is communication render, read your audience look what they really want , and put there wish in bold letter and when the ball is in your court then now put your deal. That what you want.
It same with the news also , not the content attracts you its the headline which attracts you and the headline is the one which decides the sale of the news. In social media you can see a lots of post , and the higher like will be on those which pictures attracts you the most. And here there motto clears out  or you can say the communication get a strike.
In nut , communication is to know about the audience and then fire the bullet. Mark the last word if you really want your work to be done then lets your view to be hidden first and talk about there profits, and when the fish will be in the net then now your turn to click.
Today we have different mode of communication i.e print, electronic and new media (Internet). Market is globalized , and people have there own platform to communicate . Internet is one of the biggest platform where people can express there emotions and thoughts by the help of blog , you tube and other social networks.
Paintings : are also a way of communication, and its a result of Intra personal communication . An artist generally talk  with himself, and what he feels and see just put that on the canvas. People can just assume what he was the artist was thinking while making that art. In this way audience communicate with the thought of the artist trough the painting. And if the buyer get connected with the art he likes it. 

